Wednesday 26 October 2011

Nature,my passion! ♥

I know,I know,I know. Pelik ye tajuk tu? Tapi itu mmg kebenarannya pun. Aku mmg sukakan alam sekitar. Sejak bila ya? Ntah. Aku pun tak pasti. Yang aku pasti,aku mmg mnat lah. Hari tu pgi rmah abg tiri yg kat Banting tu,mata aku mmg tak lpas dr tgk alam sekeliling. Maha Besar Allah yg mencipta alam,flora dan fauna,dan kita sbg khalifah di bumiNya ini harus pndai memelihara dan memuliharanya. :')

So,aku ada upload gambar2 aku time brcuti kat PD dulu. :D


aku tau yg sure ramai bdk prmpuan geli @ takut nak pegang anak2 ketam tu kan? haha

correction:aku suka nature n air :)

alam yg menghijau. haha

miss Hizatul in the water :)

Aku tau lah yg aku tak pgi ke hutan ke apa,tp aku MMG sukakan nature,okay? Nnt lah aku upload gamba2 aku kat hutan ke,kat Sg. Amazon ke, gamba aku dgn harimau bru korg prcaya kan? haha! *aku dah mula da merapu*

One more tagged stuff,and I will be a killer.

LoL. Aku brgurau je. Tak kan lah aku nak jd pmbunuh btul2 lak kan? Ni ha,Megat Muhd Irfan tag aku. Sah2 lgsung taknak ikut rules,haiya... Alang2 jwb soalan2 merapu Megat,aku pun jwb skali soalan2 Dayang. So,let's read my answers,okay? :)


  1. I you are in relationship now,who's your boyfriend/girlfriend? If no,who's your crush? :P I'm single but I'm in love with my friend. His name? **** ******** :)
  2. Teacher(s) in your school you hate the most? I hate the PK aka my Physics teacher. She is reallly annoying.Many students hate her. Actually,I hate all teachers who don't want to stop nagging when they get a mic.
  3. Still virgin?*LoL what kind of question is this -..-* If you already know that it is a nonsense question,why you still ask it? Ya,ofc.
  4. Now,please imagine a person who will be your future husband/wife. What's his/her name? :DD Frank Anthony Iero? And before that,I have to be a murderer.
  5. How many children you want? How many boy(s) and/or girl(s)? No twin,ofc. A girl and a boy,perhaps.
  6. What will you do if your crush proposed you? *girls only* What you'll say when you are proposing your crush*boys only* I will say "Really?!" then I'm fainted. lol
  7. Your favorite cartoon? Doraemon :D
  8. Do you love me? Where will your marriage event take place? *beach/garden/banquet/etc* The Heaven? Lol. 
  9. Your ambition? I want to study at UM,then continue to Japan. Then,I will be a geologist. Then,I want to travel around the world. *I really love the nature <333*
  10. Your biggest secret? LoL jkjk. Who's your best friend? Many. But the bestist are Nur Hazirah and Nurul 'Ain.
  11. Do you often read my bog? *-.- nyeh* No. Offended? Haha.


  1. Are you a weirdo? Or at least someone calls you one? Ya,I'm a weirdo and I admit it.
  2. Do you like horror movies? If so,which is your favourite? Ya,but not the most la. hmm... Scream?
  3. What's your favourite colour? Black,black,black. Haha! And purple,green(Fun Ghoul's alter ego's colour!) and dark blue.
  4. Do you love me? Mweheheh. Nope. 
  5. Is it weird to dip fish fingers into custard? Not really,when you have a friend who like to dip the chicken nuggets into the strawberry's carbonate drink and have a brother who made kuah roti  canai as his lauk. 
  6. Which would you prefer,Charlie the Unicorn or Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows? Neither. What the heck are they actually?
  7. Texting or calling? Depends. When I have something important to tell,I will call. But if I just wanna waste my time,I'll text.
  8. What is/are your favourite song(s) right now? Many. If MCR's songs are not counted,I love You Like a Love Song is one of my fav (does it make any sense?)
  9. Do you love your voice? Ya.
  10. I'm cute. You are? I'm much more cute than you are,and beautiful too*perasan*
  11. If I was to jump off a building,what would you do? If you WAS to jump off the building,I'll feel sorry for you. :P

Tuesday 25 October 2011

I'll just write anything that i feel...

i'm perfect? no. no one is perfect. do you feel boring when you read my blog? if yes,stop reading and never turn back. because i'll forever be the same me. not a piece of what people said would change me. i'm who i got to be. look at my blog. nothing is special,right? that's so my life. me is living in the boredom. but i really grateful because i still can breathing and use the oxygen. people,please listen me up! i'm not a kind of human that u can take easily. so,stop judging me. stop nagging to my ears. stop! stop! STOP! because i bet that u never know the true colours of me. NEVER.

Tagged stuff are getting boring than ever.

I got these from Ayesha Sofea. So,the following are mine. :)

The Rules:
  1. You must post this rules.
  2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
  3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create another eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
  4. You have to choose eleven people to tagged and link them to the post.
  5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
  6. No tag back!
  7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAG IF YOU READING THIS "YOU LEGITIMATELLY(a.k.a REALLY,TRUST,WITH ALL HONEST) have tagged 11 people.

11 Things About Me:

  1. Harley Raygun is me.
  2. I love Frank Anthony Iero.
  3. Harry Potter is my 'fantasy' world.
  4. MCR is another word of "heroes" for me.
  5. I'm a dark witch that probably you ever know.
  6. Am I really that 'alim'? No. I use the cursing words frequently.
  7. I'm a non-Belieber and K-Pop fan. Instead,I hate them!
  8. I'm not longer a 'human' if people judge me without any acceptable reason.
  9. I always is kinda my hobby.
  10. Myself is more like "The hopeless heart" than "Keep running!".
  11. Am I secretive? Maybe.

Ayesha's questions for me:

  1. Are you addicted to anything,let say,game ke? Game? no. I'm currently addicted to comics. :)
  2. Do you keep secrets from your best friend? Ya,a lot of.
  3. The first person you share your problem with is your family or your best friend? My best friends,because they are the best listener that I ever know.
  4. Do you have crush or someone? Yup!
  5. Malay drama that you hate? I don't really watch Malay's drama. But if Sinetrons are assumed as Malay's,I probably hate all of them.
  6. Your celebrity crush? Frank Iero.
  7. Do you stalk your crush(es)'s profile? How on this Earth can you know that I have one? Yes,oftenly.
  8. Wealth or health? Health.
  9. Have you ever pee in a swimming pool/sea/river/yang sewaktu dengannya? Yes,when I was younger and I don't really remember about it.
  10. Have you ever slap someone? Yes. When I lost my maximum patience.
  11. If you're given 3 wishes,what would they be? 1.I want to stay in the Heaven. 2.And before that,I wanna die peacefully. 3.And before that,I want to meet my heroes.
My questions:

  1. Are you in love with someone right now?
  2. Have you ever go to the place that you really want to be at?
  3. Are you hate me anyone?
  4. Coffee or coke?
  5. Do you have a best friend?
  6. What is your favorite colour,food and clothing?
  7. Had you ever crying because a friend of yours?
  8. Rock/K-pop/country?
  9. What is your happiest day in your lifetime ever?
  10. What is your last words before you're dead?
  11. Your favorite quotes?

11 Tagged Friends:

  1. Amelia
  2. Danya Ruth
  3. Ainur Eyqin
  4. Anis Adnan
  5. Ain Amalina
  6. Cherry Iero
  7. Azzura Jamaluddin
  8. Anis Syakirah
  9. Siti Nur Sya'adah
  10. Joanna
  11. Megat 
Haiyo....leceh betul! Aku bkan follow ramai org pun. Huhu :'(

Monday 24 October 2011

Try and error...and the rusult is:-

haih...teruk btul cara aku wat kan? xda pengalaman lah nak dikatakan. aku guna note2010 utk wat tu. mmg tak jd,so jgn komen lbh2 ok? haha

Exam yg paling nak wat aku tergelak!

Td ada exam PJK n PSK. Both of them were okay,actually more than okay. :") I finished answering both of them within 15 minutes or less. Haha! What that made me wanna laugh actually?

Tu sbb soalan PJK klakar sgt. Aku ada copy soalan2 yg btul2 klakar. So,kat bwah ni ada soalannye and plihan jwpan yg nak wat aku pecah perut sbb gelak. LoL.

-Tugas seorang pegawai PEMAKANAN ialah membuat perancangan berkaitan PEMAKAIAN terhadap atlet. (betul/salah)

-Aktiviti perkhemahan dapat membantu murid
a)berdikari dan melupai ibu bapa

-Antara aktiviti yang boleh dilakukan ketika perkhemahan ialah
a)berkebun b)berborak d)bermain tenis

-Pertolongan cemas bermaksud
b)pertolongan yang diberikan kepda orang yang dalam keadaan cemas

-Insomnia boleh dielakkan dengan amalan
c)bersenam semasa hendak tidur

-Jika terdapat mangsa yang mengalami kecederaan patah serta tersekat pernafasan,apakah yang perlu dilakukan?
c)berbual dengan mangsa d)telefon ambulans

-Agensi yang terlibat dengan Akta Perlindungan Wanita dan Gadis ialah
a)Jabatan Alam Sekitar

Haha! Kelakar tak? Fikirlah sendiri,okay? Kalau tak dpat A gak,aku tak tau nak kata apa da.
